Via Alessandria 19
14040 Belveglio – Asti
Phone +39 0141 959623 / +39 0141 959904 / +39 0141 959821
Mobile Phone +39 347 7178374
Skype: mollificio.astigiano
How to reach us
You can reach us in a hour from Torino, Milano, Genova e Piacenza highways and from Malpensa Airport.
From Alessandria
Leave A21 or A7 highway at Alessandria Ovest and take SR 10 following Asti. In Felizzano or Quattordio follow for Masio: now you’ll find Belveglio.
From Asti
Leave A21 or A7 highway at Asti Est and take SR 10 following Castello d’Annone, then turn right following SP27 Rocchetta Tanaro or Incisa Scapaccino. You’ll arrive in Cortiglione, now turn right and you’ll find Belveglio.

GPS Position
44°49’60” N – 8°20’39” E
Altitude 590 ft